Friday, October 28, 2011

Trick or Treat! It's Fun Fact Friday!
With Halloween being on Monday, we thought it might be fun to find out where trick or treating originated...Well, it all started with an old Irish tradition. The Irish believed that on Halloween night the veil between our world and the spirit world was thin. On that night, ghosts could come back to visit their loved ones. But they also believed that some ghosts were unhappy and used Halloween to frighten people. The Irish people would put out bowls of milk and fruit on their doorstep. If the spirits were happy with their treats, they would go somewhere else to make their mischief. Everyone tried to stay inside on Halloween night where it was safe. But anyone who had to go out for some reason would wear a costume and a mask. If the costume was good enough it would confuse the spirits and they wouldn’t bother you. Over time these traditions changed. During the Middle Ages, teenagers and young adults took the place of the spirits. They would dress up and go door to door saying “trick-or-treat.” If they were given a treat, they went on to the next house. But if not, they played a trick on that person. These were harmless tricks and no one ever got hurt from them. Still, it was better to just give them a treat. When the Irish came to America during the Great Potato Famine, they brought the tradition of “trick-or-treat” with them. Soon everyone was joining in and who can blame them? What could be more fun than dressing up and going from house to house getting candy and treats?
(thanks to Kimber Krochmal for the info!)

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