We here at Alpharetta Children's Dentistry are very proud of all our Veterans and those brave men and women who still serve in our great military, including our very own Dr. Shirley! We send a big thank you for all you do to keep us safe!
Now on to our fun fact...
Did you ever wonder why Veteran's Day is November 11th? It all goes back to World War I. In 1918, American troops had worn out the German defenses. And on November 11, 1918 Germany agreed to a cease-fire. The armistice was signed at 5am, but went into effect six hours later. The "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the world knew peace once more". For the next 36 years, America remembered the heroes of the war on Novemember 11th as Armistice Day. But in 1954, Congress decided that the name didn't fit anymore. It was officially changed to Veteran's Day to reflect the service of all the Armed Forces from every American war. This year is extra special as Veteran's Day is on 11-11-11. So please remember and send thanks to all our retired and active service men and women today!